For reference, I am working in VL 15 (150060) if that makes a difference.
I have a field (Decimal(1,0)) with two visualizations defined - the simple VisualEdit, and a SpinEdit. I have set the SpinEdit as DefaultVisual(True). Code below.
My question is, when I drag the field onto a VL Web Page, View, or Dialog, why is the visualization resulting in the simple VisualEdit, and not the default SpinEdit?
If I click the dropdown arrow by the field to display the different visualizations, I can drag and drop the SpinEditField onto the page, this results in the visualization being the expected SpinEdit.
Is the Defaultvisual parm a legacy parm that is not applicable to VL Web pages, views, dialogs?
Why have a Defaultvisual parm if it is not going to actually be the default visual when the field is used?
Or, am I just completely misunderstanding what the Defaultvisual parm is intended to be used for?
Code: Select all
BEGIN_COM Role(*Visual #PRIM_EVEF) Name(#VisualEdit) Usepicklist(False) Componentversion(1) Height(21) Width(227)
BEGIN_COM Role(*Visual #PRIM_MD.SpinEditField) Name(#SpinEditField) Hint('Number of item extra(s) to be included with the menu item.') Defaultvisual(True)