pass URL parm to VL web app that is PWA enabled

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pass URL parm to VL web app that is PWA enabled

Post by adale » Sat Jun 29, 2024 11:10 pm

Question is how to send a parm in the URL to a PWA enabled VL web application, or how to have a PWA enabled VL web application read the query string parameters in a URL?

In VL web app (A), needs to trigger or start a second VL web app (B), done using the sys-web.navigate, and sending a set of parms in the query string.

When VL web app (B), is a normal VL web application, this works fine using sys_web.URLParameters to read the parm values, and VL web application start and utilizes the parm values.

But, when VL web app (B), is then PWA enabled (offline support = Web App Manifest / Service Worker), the app will start, but the parms are not read or recognized?

Is there a Service Worker setting that can accomplish this?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Arlyn Dale
Servias LLC

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