LANSA mobile application - menu editting

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LANSA mobile application - menu editting

Post by adale » Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:59 am

I am running LMA runtime version 37, build on an iPad.
I set a Lansa Page up in the main menu. Set up a Submenu, and added another Lansa Page in the submenu.
I have now deleted the Lansa Page in the submenu, but now the menu is "stuck" in the submenu. No means to get back to the main menu?
The only options shown are the "+" for adding new items, or the icon of a box with an up arrow, which only lists "Import Menu"?
I will attach a screenshot from the iPad.
When I click on the open space on the right, it goes back to the blank "home" page, but if I click on the home icon for the menu, it takes me right back to the submenu, not the main menu?

Note, on my android phone running build, when I delete the item from the sub menu, it allowed me to navigate back to the main menu. From there I was able to add a new submenu, or in this case, I just deleted the submenu as it was not needed.
Screenshot_ipad_submenu.jpeg (92.99 KiB) Viewed 16828 times
Arlyn Dale
Servias LLC

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