ClosePopup leaving the background screen locked and grey

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ClosePopup leaving the background screen locked and grey

Post by Kingston » Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:56 pm

We use a Reusable Part extending #PRIM_PPNL to popup a "Loading - please wait" message (ShowPopup) while we build and display other panels.

The process of displaying that popup greys out the screen behind it and then displays the popup with it's message

Then we trigger a ClosePopup to close that panel when the panel behind is finished being built

If the program sends the ClosePopup too soon, it seems to close the Popup before it's finished displaying and that leaves just the background screen greyed out.

I can get around the problem by adding a 1000 millisecond timer to the ClosePopup method. This gives the Popup time to fully display before we close it and that seems to cause no problems. But I was wondering if I may have inadvertently compiled something the wrong way or something and there was a way to get back to the behaviour that used to be before.

This problem has only started happening since we applied EPCs EPC150010 through to EPC150060. However at the same time I may have compiled some of the associated objects, so I'm not sure what might have caused it.

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