RRN not returned via Lansa Open for files with no primary key

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RRN not returned via Lansa Open for files with no primary key

Post by E3001840 » Fri Aug 23, 2024 2:56 am

Lansa Open

When a maintenance operation is performed (add/update/delete) directly on the table – does Lansa’s OAM assume the retrieval of the row once the maintenance completes, believe this is yes.

On tables that don't have a unique key and when Oracle is the DB and AutoRRN is the configured setting, a maintenance action (insert) to this table returns with

“IOM0060: RRN cannot be returned because J_CAUT has no primary key & uses Auto RRN\nWhen Auto RRN is used, SQL requires a primary key on the file in order to retrieve the RRN\r\n"”

When a request is submitted within lansa program as Oracle as the DB, request gets completed successfully.

However, when request submitted via LansaOpen fails with the above message

Synopsis of the issue:

This issue / limitation does not affect IBM i databases, but it does affect databases running on Windows servers such as Oracle and SQL Server where the new Lansa Auto RRN Mechanism (introduced in Lansa 13) is used.

They are using the “same” execution path. The variable being LansaOpen.

Why did it work via Lansa/Oracle but not via API/LansaOpen?


Is there a LansaOpen setting that instructs the OAM to not “retrieve” the row when operation completes.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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