LANSA Mobile - vl web with route

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LANSA Mobile - vl web with route

Post by adale » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:01 am

VL V15 150060, VL web page with routing.
Lansa mobile app versions currently using:
iOS =
Android =
Windows = (latest I could find)

We utilize a route in our VL web page application to identify if the page was requested from within the Lansa Mobile app, and to initiate different VL web application pages/view/routines.

When running the VL web application in a browser, it works as expected.
Lansa Mobile running on iPad and on Android tablet it works as expected.
But, when running Lansa Mobile on Windows device, it does not work. As if the "route" part of the URL is ignored or stripped out?
I have put some debug console messages and here is what I see:

* PC browser:
L279# P1ZView1 click: ... rmn=ix5196
Navigated to ... rmn=ix5196
LI457# ROUTE: /Access1
lansa_web.js:31 route is new
lansa_web.js:31 L418# Route ?: -
lansa_web.js:31 L432# Route 1Access: POSM - ix5196

* LMA on windows:
L279# P1ZView1 click: ... rmn=ix7974
- it actually does navigate to the p1cMain application, but without a route, so it ends up at the main page instead of the specified Access1 page(view)?

* LMA on Android:
L279# P1ZView1 click: ... rmn=ix6574
- the other console debug lines do not show up, but the application does route to, and open at the Access1 page(view).

* LMA on iPad:
console does not show the L279# message, or navigated to, but does have:
LI457# ROUTE: /Access1
lansa_web.js:31 route is new
lansa_web.js:31 L418# Route ?: -
lansa_web.js:31 L432# Route 1Access: POSM - ix5110
- and does open at the Access1 page(view).

Is there some issue I am missing as to why the ROUTE in a VL web application running in Lansa Mobile does not work when LMA is running on a Windows device?
Arlyn Dale
Servias LLC

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